Why Offline is the Best Online Marketing Strategy

Countless working hours and pricey subscriptions to digital marketing tools are a top concern for many organizations. The return on investments in digital marketing is a questionable expense when it fails to generate sales. However, there is another way.

Going offline might be the best online marketing strategy for your organization. Social media websites are virtual communities of people that share their updates on feeds. “Out for movies,” “Happy Sunday,” are all focused on what is happening in the present moment.

If you tap the social media community at its roots, it will naturally have a ripple effect and proliferate digital markets through online check-ins, post shares, and live videos. Hence, hosting an offline event is a beneficial activity for online marketing strategies.

A Harward Business Review article found that more than 84% of people preferred face-to-face meetings over virtual interaction through emails, voice calls, and video conferences. Chatbot developers are continually striving to build messaging algorithms that replicate a real person’s messaging behavior.

Human interaction is at the root of all online activity. When an organization successfully engages its target audience offline, they can realize a better return on investment from digital marketing efforts. Here are three steps to reap the benefits of online marketing by organizing offline events.

● Set hybrid goals
Business goals are like anchors of a ship; they keep our efforts rooted in a common objective. While setting goals for your offline event, keep in mind the online marketing strategy goals of your business and vice-versa.

Hybrid goals are the culmination of integrated messaging across all platforms; social media handles, company & affiliate websites, and offline events. Inform your attendees what to expect from your event. Whether it is an educational, inspirational, informative, or networking event, an audience that knows what to expect will never be dissatisfied with your event and help you achieve your business goals.

● Undivided focus on the target audience
Every organization should consistently target customer segments. Offline events that transcend into online phenomena curate highly customized experiences based on the preferences of their target audience.
For instance, a B2B organization that targets decision-makers across industries should host exhibitions, conferences, and seminars specific to their interests. Activities and amenities of your venue should reflect the corporate lifestyle of decision-makers from your target audience.

● Leveraging the existing online presence
No online presence is irrelevant. Whether you have ten followers or 10,000, offline events that dovetail with your online objectives, and resonate with your target audience must leverage the existing online presence. Providing free, value-added content, and rewarding your loyal online community will convert into a larger digital footprint for your company.

A few effective ways of engaging existing followers with offline events are:

  • Early Registration Access
  • Discounted Tickets
  • Pre-event Value Added Live-Sessions
  • Exciting Event Updates

The idea is to engage your audience and help them realize the value-addition of your offline event. Whether you’re planning a conference, exhibition, or public event, a regular presence in social-media-feeds generates profitable anticipation for the organizing entity.

● Avoid Hard Sell Tactics
Offline events are much like archery if you deviate from the target you miss. Many organizations fall into the trap of the lucrative presence of multiple prospects under one roof. Hard sell tactics are generally frowned upon by decision-makers. Offline events that forge a remunerative relationship with the attendees continue to focus on the ulterior motive of delighting consumers.

Your selling pitch should be to connect with prospects and help them appreciate your product offerings. There are other ways to communicate hard-selling pitches, such as emails, calls, appointments, and virtual conferencing. An offline event must ensure that visitors get what they were promised instead of switching to hard-selling techniques within minutes.

In a pandemic struck business world, every organization is forced to adopt online marketing strategies. However, success will come to those that maintain consistency with their organizational goals. In the new normal post-COVID-19, offline events supported by online marketing strategies will prevail. Human-interaction will continue to play an essential role in our lives; otherwise, what will people share on their social media profiles?

At GUCEC, we help organizers conduct hybrid events that can be live-streamed on multiple screens at multiple GUCEC venues at the same time. The combination of indoor and outdoor venues at GUCEC is continuously leveraged by organizers to curate attractive, engaging, and delightful visitor experiences. Book a GUCEC venue today!

For event planners and businesses seeking a unique venue, GUCEC provides a truly customizable and
technologically advanced event space. Visit http://gucec.com to know more.