10 Measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during a MICE event

In this predominant period of COVID virus, it is essential to take all the precautions necessary, especially for public events and celebrations that congregate an enormous crowd. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), here are the critical measures to undertake while organizing a public gathering:

1. Make sure that your venue is clean, hygienic and pre-sanitized.
It is quintessential that your facility is 100% sanitized. All surfaces and objects, like telephones, tables, chairs, and water coolers, should be wiped with a disinfectant periodically. Sanitize the facility before and after every event.

2. Thermal screening of all individuals attending the event
From the guest of honour to the catering staff, everyone should go through thermal screening. You must politely request the people to go home in case they are diagnosed with high temperature. Furthermore, advise everyone to keep their masks on at all times.

3. Sanitizer checkpoints throughout the facility
Putting up sanitizer dispensers throughout the facility would be advisable, especially at prominent locations like elevators, dining areas, and foyers.

4. Maintain good hygiene
Ensure that all your guests wear masks all the time and insist on covering their mouths with an elbow while coughing without a mask. Also, encourage them to sanitize their hands and appliances regularly. You can promote such guidelines by putting up posters at suitable locations throughout the facility.

5. Pre-registration for organized flow.
It would be beneficial if you keep a pre-registration policy for your guests so that you can modulate the number of people who will be attending your event.

6. Map out a seating arrangement
Maintain at least one-meter distance between the guests to safeguard them from catching the virus from someone else. You can map out a seating arrangement which ensures safe distance between everyone.

7. Take contact details of all the participants/guests.
Collect the contact details of all organizers, participants, caterers, and visitors attending the event. In case any particular attendee is diagnosed or suspected with COVID-19, you should inform other participants about the same and advise them to stay quarantined for a fortnight.

8. Develop a response plan
In case a participant starts to feel unwell or exhibits symptoms of COVID-19, you should have a response plan ready for such situations. Designate a room where the participant can be kept isolated until he/she could be transferred to a health facility.

9. Organize hybrid events with emphasis on Virtual Networking
Hybrid events are events that fuse virtual and live streaming elements with in-person meetings. You can offer virtual presence to the guests who cannot come to the venue. This method can also help you in shortening the guest list.

10. Responsible disposal of biowaste
The virus can survive on various materials, like cardboard and plastic. It can easily transfer to what ever comes in its contact. So, it is advised that you keep a different bin for COVID suspected waste to prevent the virus-free waste from getting contaminated.
We, at GUCEC, make sure that all these 10 measures are checked and implemented before organizing any event. So, rest assured. Your visit to GUCEC will be COVID-19 protected.

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