Storytelling Elements | What Makes a Good Photo Great

“There are some people, who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” Douglas H. Everett

Photographers do exactly that when they capture our most special moments and turn them into a lifetime memory. While a photographer and a good quality camera are a given, let’s see what are the other factors that can turn your special moments into a talk of the town.


The Right Location – It is important to choose the right venue and location for your event. Having the right venue for the type of event you are holding will enhance the ambience. The venue must have sufficient space and facilities for your targeted number of guests and it shouldn’t be crammed.

Ensure your venue is conveniently located close to all major transport links and has sufficient parking space for the projected guest/delegate numbers.


Set the Mood with Lighting – Lighting can transform a room and provide the right energy for the event. It sets the atmosphere and creates a dramatic first impression. Lighting is done well, can transform the venue, creating the impact you desire for the event based on the type of event – whether you are hosting a corporate event or a family function. Varying colours and intensity of light help to create an impressive visual impact.



Tasteful Decoration – Décor creates a lasting impression and is often the first thing the guests notice. It helps set the mood, creates a perfect ambience for the event and captures the essence of the event.

Colors must be chosen keeping in mind the theme and the kind of event you are planning to host. A synergy in color scheme creates a breathtaking visual which is a feast for the eyes.

GUCEC makes for a perfect venue for hosting all your events, be it a corporate or a family function. GUCEC has all the amenities and the right elements to make the best of your day and create lasting memories. Plan your next important event at GUCEC and we can help you design it and strategize it so that you get the maximum out of your event.